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The evidence
The Evidence
The evidence
A selection of studies and articles outlining evidence of the impact of poverty on health outcomes, highlighting the importance of addressing health inequalities in clinical practice.
RCPCH – State of Child Health
RCPCH – State of Child Health – Insight into the state of child health in the UK
Child mortality and Social Deprivation – The National Child Mortality Database
Child Mortality and Social Deprivation | National Child Mortality Database (ncmd.info)
Impact of Poverty and Family adversity on adolescent health: a multi-trajectory analysis using the UK millennium cohort study. The Lancet
Impact of poverty and family adversity on adolescent health: a multi-trajectory analysis using the UK Millennium Cohort Study - The Lancet Regional Health – Europe
Addressing Social Determinants of Health at Well Child Care Visits: A Cluster RCT
Addressing Social Determinants of Health at Well Child Care Visits: A Cluster RCT | Pediatrics | American Academy of Pediatrics (aap.org)
Effects of childhood poverty and chronic stress on emotion regulatory brain function in adulthood
Effects of childhood poverty and chronic stress on emotion regulatory brain function in adulthood | PNAS
Pathways to Inequalities in Child Health
Pathways to inequalities in child health - PubMed (nih.gov)
Hospitalisation patterns among children exposed to childhood adversity: a population-based cohort study of half a million children
Hospitalisation patterns among children exposed to childhood adversity: a population-based cohort study of half a million children - The Lancet Public Health
Capitalogenic disease: Social determinants in focus
Capitalogenic disease: social determinants in focus | BMJ Global Health
Assessing the impact of rising child poverty on the unprecedented rise in infant mortality in England, 2000-2017: time trend analysis
Assessing the impact of rising child poverty on the unprecedented rise in infant mortality in England, 2000–2017: time trend analysis | BMJ Open
Millions of children face a “humanitarian crisis” of fuel poverty
Millions of children face a “humanitarian crisis” of fuel poverty | The BMJ
The doctor forcing landlords to act on mouldy homes
The doctor forcing landlords to act on mouldy homes | The BMJ
Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhuman"
Martin Luther King Jr.
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